The past few years have been challenging for homebuyers due to a severe shortage of available houses. However, the tide is turning, and more homes are hitting the market this year.

According to the latest data from, the number of homes for sale has significantly increased. In April 2024, there were 30.4% more homes available compared to the same time in 2023, marking the sixth consecutive month of inventory growth. This is great news for buyers who have struggled to find properties in recent years.

Is House Hunting Easier Now?

While the growing inventory is a positive sign, it doesn't mean house hunting will be a breeze. The latest weekly data from Calculated Risk shows that despite recent growth, the number of homes for sale is still much lower than in the last normal year for the housing market.

What Does This Mean for You?

If you've been holding off on buying a home due to the lack of options, now might be the time to start looking again. You'll likely find more choices than in the past few years, but keep your expectations realistic.

To navigate the current market, it's crucial to work with a trusted local real estate agent. Real estate is all about location, and an experienced agent can provide valuable insights into the homes available in your desired area. As Bankrate emphasizes:

“In today’s homebuying market, it’s more important than ever to find a real estate agent who really knows your local area — down to your specific neighborhood — and can help you successfully navigate its unique quirks.”

Partner with a knowledgeable real estate agent who can keep you informed about the latest market trends and available listings. Together, we can make your home-buying journey smoother and more successful.